Spot Form Net Blotch Factsheet
Spot Form Net Blotch Factsheet
Published: 1 Feb 2020
Spot form net blotch (SFNB) is the most common foliar disease of barley in Australia. It can be economically important in favourable seasons. Management relies on a combination of crop rotation, variety selection and strategic fungicide applications.
Key Points
- Spot form net blotch (SFNB) is the most common foliar disease of barley in Australia across all rainfall zones
- It is favoured by close rotation of susceptible barley varieties and crop residue retention practices
- SFNB frequently causes yield loss where grain yield potential exceeds 2.5 tonnes per hectare
- Significant losses are possible in all varieties given conducive conditions, with potential losses greatest in varieties rated susceptible to very susceptible (SVS) or very susceptible (VS)
- When susceptible varieties are grown in situations where disease is present, fungicides are likely to provide economic return where grain yield potential exceeds 3t/ha
- The most effective fungicide application strategies include treatment at two stages − either seed/fertiliser treatment and foliar at Z39, or foliar at both Z31 and Z39
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Region: National
GRDC Project Code: CUR1106-001RTX, CUR1403-002BLX, DAW1406-006RMX, DPI1807-011BLX, DAW1306-004RMX, DAV1306-005BLX,