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Update Paper
Unlocking the value of strip and disc systems
05.02.2025In 2023, Eyre Peninsula (EP) growers identified the need to better understand the benefits and issues of the strip and disc system in low rainfall environments as a research priority. Growers would like to better understand the components of
Region: South
Update Paper
Soil and plant tissue testing for diagnosing herbicide carryover…
05.02.2025The impact of herbicide residue carryover on crop yields, profitability and sustainability of the Australian grains industry is uncertain. Recent work (GRDC and Soil CRC co-funded; Rose et al. 2022) estimated that 20–30% of paddocks across
Region: South
Update Paper
Exploring new and alternative lime sources for managing soil…
05.02.2025Management of soil acidity through liming is commonplace amongst many areas of South Australia. There has been considerable extension and communication around rates, types and sources of lime through the GRDC SA Acid Soils project, however growers
Region: South
Update Paper
Nitrogen fertiliser decisions - the good, the right and the risky
05.02.2025When a decision is made about how much fertiliser N to apply to a crop and when, there is a range of possible outcomes in terms of the effect on yield, quality, logistics, labour and profit (some positive, some negative).
Region: North, South
Update Paper
The effect of environmental factors on nozzle selection
05.02.2025GRDC and industry have invested in research, extension and publications to assist growers and applicators with understanding suitable weather conditions for spraying, and also in tools to assist with nozzle selection.
Region: South
Update Paper
Strategies to mitigate and manage herbicide resistance for key…
05.02.2025Perhaps the most important lesson learnt about dry sowing from 2024 is that it can be done with the pre-emergent herbicides we currently have. In some cases, herbicides had been applied six weeks prior to the first rainfall and were still present
Region: South
Update Paper
Looking after your mental health and supporting others: how full is …
05.02.2025The year 2024 amplified the everyday pressures of farming with severe drought in South Australia, financial challenges, and workforce shortages, among others. These stressors impacted on individuals and entire communities, highlighting the
Region: South
Update Paper
Community trust in food systems
04.02.2025Trust is the cornerstone of the relationship between an industry and the communities it serves. It involves communities accepting vulnerability and relying on the industry’s fair treatment and integrity.
Region: South
Update Paper
Nitrogen management in the world of AI - lessons from the Future…
04.02.2025Over the past decades, many digital nitrogen (N) management methods have been developed, utilising different input data and recommendation frameworks. During the Future Farm project, thirteen methods for mid-season N recommendations in cereal
Region: South
Update Paper
Integrating spatial data and long-term strategies for improved…
04.02.2025Fertiliser inputs are the single largest variable cost for grain growers producing a crop. The variability in rainfall experienced by growers, coupled with high fertiliser prices, has resulted in conservative fertiliser management.
Region: South