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Update Paper
Managing weeds in cotton and grain systems, optimising residuals…
27.11.2024Paper presented by Jeff Werth from QDAF at the GRDC Grains Research Update in Atherton on managing weeds in cotton and grain systems, optimising residuals for efficacy and minimising crop impact.
Region: North
Update Paper
Identifying strategies to address rainfall infiltration and soil…
27.11.2024Paper presented by Grant Cutler from QDAF at the GRDC Grains Research Update in Atherton on identifying strategies to address rainfall infiltration and soil constraints in FNQ soils.
Region: North
Update Paper
Considerations for mungbean production in the Burdekin environment…
26.11.2024Paper presented by Stephen Yeates from CSIRO at GRDC Grains Research Update in Burdekin on considerations for mungbean production in the Burdekin environment – radiation, temperature, sowing date and irrigation management.
Region: North
Update Paper
Why grain legume rotations work in sugar-based farming systems
26.11.2024Paper presented by Neil Halpin from QDAF at the GRDC Grains Research Update in Burdekin on why grain legume rotations work in sugar-based farming systems.
Region: North
Update Paper
Nitrogen strategies and managing losses in the wet and dry tropics
26.11.2024Paper presented by Mike Bell from the University of Queensland at GRDC Grains Research Updates in Atherton and Burdekin on Nitrogen strategies and managing losses in the wet and dry tropics: organic vs fertiliser sources of N; denitrification and
Region: North
Update Paper
New technologies for regional surveillance of airborne diseases
22.08.2024New AgTech platforms have been deployed in strategic monitoring networks within GRDC’s West, South and North regions to monitor important airborne foliar pathogens. This GRDC-funded initiative has co-located SARDI’s new Plant Health Surveillance
Region: South
Update Paper
Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus management
22.08.20242023 trial results do not inform industry regarding the threat BYDV-PAV poses to wheat yields in the HRZ. 2022 trial results suggest even late infections of BYDV-PAV in susceptible wheat cultivars result in a significant loss. Preliminary
Region: South
Update Paper
Agronomic practices for hyper yielding wheat
22.08.2024The hyper yielding crops (HYC) project has successfully demonstrated new yield benchmarks for productivity of cereals in the more productive regions and seasons over the last four years. It is typically larger numbers of grains per head at harvest
Region: South
Update Paper
Cereal disease update 2024
22.08.2024Disease pressure in the 2024 season will likely be moderate to extreme, with carry-over of inoculum from 2023 crops on stubble (for example, septoria tritici blotch, net form net blotch) and volunteers (for example, rusts). Disease pressure will
Region: South
Update Paper
How can nitrification inhibitors increase the effectiveness of…
22.08.2024Substantial gaseous losses of nitrogen (N) derived from fertiliser can occur in certain soil types and seasons (particularly poorly structured soils that are prone to waterlogging). Commercially available fertiliser formulations containing
Region: South