Recovering from frost

We appreciate the significant impact frost takes on growers, their families and their communities. Recovery is difficult, but with support it is possible.

The following points can assist in recovering from frost.

  • Act early if frost damage has had a serious financial impact.
  • Prepare a future business plan and, where necessary, seek advice on tactics from consultants and rural counsellors.
  • Communicate and discuss the likely impact of the frost with your bank and prepare a recovery plan with the bank and other financial providers.
  • Assess the physical, financial and people situation factually so that decisions are based on the best information.
  • Develop alternate strategies for dealing with frosted crops in future programs and how finances can be adjusted.
  • Prepare a draft budget and physical plans for next year and provide this information to business partners and financiers.
  • Develop a written plan of your proposed actions and review it as information and circumstances change.
  • Assess the personal impact. Remain conscious of the fact that frost can cause an emotional rollercoaster and trigger feelings of depression, grief and loss. Maintain contact with family, friends and colleagues and seek professional advice if necessary. Also be aware of the impact on your neighbours and community.
  • Remember to assess your own situation and avoid getting caught up in negativity and gossip.
  • Frost can be easily forgotten from one year to the next. Don’t let early rain distract from having plans in place

Read the Managing frost risk tips and tactics fact sheet for more information.