Integrated Weed Management Manual

Integrated Weed Management Manual

Published: 12 Dec 2019

Arguably one of the toughest challenges currently facing Australian grain growers is the management of weeds.

The issue costs the industry an estimated $3.3 billion every year or $146/ha in control costs and lost revenue making the battle to overcome weeds a major priority for both growers and researchers.

Since 2002/03 the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) has invested more than $115 million in weeds research with additional funding committed until 2022.

Working together the grains industry has made significant advancements in weed management during the past 20 years, such as the evolution of harvest weed seed control and the prevalence of the double-knock control strategies, but the impact of weeds will continue to be problematic without an
integrated approach.

Transforming research outcomes into on-farm management strategies, like the revised and updated Integrated Weed Management (IWM) manual, is designed to guide and support growers and advisers in tackling this major constraint to farm business profitability.

The manual provides information on the latest tools and techniques to help manage current weeds and weeds of emerging economic importance, and at the same time maintain our arsenal of herbicide modesof-action into the future.

Read about the original concept for the Integrated Weed Management Manual.

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    Region: National

    ISBN: 978-1-921779-61-9 (print)