GRDC Grains Research Update Roma 2015
GRDC Grains Research Update Roma 2015

Roma GRDC Grains Research Update Proceedings PDF 2.1MB
5th August 2015
Click on the title to read the relevant Update paper.
Farming systems performance - A major new farming systems project on the constraints to performance and efficiency.
Lindsay Bell, CSIRO
Managing the yield gap to achieve your yield potential.
Simon Fritsch, AgriPath
Improving fertiliser decisions for P on the western Downs
Mike Bell, QAAFI
Returning nematode infested paddocks to profit - management strategies for the western Downs.
Richard Daniel, NGA
Managing high level phosphine resistance in on-farm storage.
Philip Burrill, DAF Qld
Farming system strategies to manage fleabane and feathertop Rhodes grass - what’s working?
Richard Daniel, NGA
Fixing more nitrogen in pulse crops.
Nikki Seymour, DAF Qld
Agronomy and yield reliability for summer and winter pulses on the Western Downs
Bec Raymond, DAF Qld
Sorghum agronomy to manage risk and improve yield in the western zone.
Loretta Serafin, NSW DPI