GRDC Grains Research Update Gilgandra 2016
GRDC Grains Research Update Gilgandra 2016

Gilgandra Grains Research Update proceedings (2.3 Kb PDF)
Wednesday 20th July 2016
Click on the title to read the relevant Update Paper.
- Frost. Jack Christopher (QAAFI)
- How much do high stubble loads effect frost risk in pulses? Andrew Verrell (NSW DPI)
- New developments in canola harvest management. Maurie Street (GOA) & Leigh Jenkins (NSW DPI)
- A new strain of wheat leaf rust. Potential impacts, which varieties and what to look for. Adult plant resistance and rust management decision making. Robert Park (Uni of Sydney PBI, Cobbitty)
- Chickpea and faba bean disease update. Kevin Moore (NSW DPI)
- How much can pulse agronomy affect the amount of nitrogen fixed? Nikki Seymour (DAF Qld)
- Improving nitrogen use efficiency in cropping systems. Graeme Schwenke (NSW DPI)
- Super cool results - achieving great results with silo aeration and silo recirculation systems as an aid to fumigation. Philip Burrill (DAF Qld)
- Investment in on-farm grain storage and the grain supply chain. Andrew Freeth (Nuffield Scholar 2015, Collie NSW)
- Harvest weed seed capture systems in the northern region. Experience with the Harrington Seed Destructor and the Chaff Deck system for weed tramlining. Michael Walsh (University of Sydney)
- Fallow management of grass weeds - button grass and feathertop Rhodes grass. Richard Daniel (NGA)