Millipedes and Slaters Fact Sheet

Millipedes and Slaters Fact Sheet

Published: 1 Nov 2013

Cover page of the Black Portuguese Millipedes and Slaters Fact Sheet

Millipedes and slaters in no-till systems

The black Portuguese millipede is emerging as a sporadic but damaging pest of broadacre agriculture,
particularly canola, while high populations of slaters have damaged some crops in recent years.

Key points

  • Black Portuguese millipede damage to emerging canola plants has increased in recent seasons.
  • Rises in populations have been linked to increased uptake of no-till and stubble retention.
  • ––Reducing paddock stubble loads over summer will generally reduce millipede numbers.
  • ––Slaters can cause extensive crop damage to emerging seedlings.
  • The Australiodillo bifrons slater species has the ability to swarm over a soil surface.
  • Finding black Portuguese millipedes and slaters in a crop does not necessarily mean damage will occur.
  • –Management options are limited after crop emergence so prevention is a key part of control.

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