Corporate planning

Annual Operational Plan (2024-25)

The Annual Operational Plan sets out our objectives and strategies for achieving the outcome. The plan specifies the forecast expenditure on the research priorities that give effect to the strategic R&D plan during a given financial year.

Read our:

Strategic Research, Development and Extension Plan (2023-28)

Our Research, Development and Extension (RD&E) Plan 2023-28 guides our investments in grains RD&E priorities. The plan prioritises investments against each of the key drivers and defines investment objectives, performance measures and targets.

Reconciliation Action Plan (2024-25)

GRDC is pleased to announce we released our first Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for January 2024 to January 2025, with formal endorsement from Reconciliation Australia.

For more information, view the Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan page.