GRDC Grains Research Update – Goondiwindi
28 Feb 2023
- 01 Mar 2023
Region: North
Topics: Tuesday 28 February 2023
- General Plenary
- Metrics to prove farming system sustainability & secure market access - Trends and timelines? Michael Anderson (Graincorp)
- Key drivers of short & long-term profitability in different farming systems. Lindsay Bell (CSIRO)
- Maintaining long term soil fertility - The role of manure, legumes and N fertiliser strategy - lessons from farming systems research. Jon Baird (NSW DPI) & Darren Aisthorpe (DAF Qld)
- Disease
- Rust in 2023 & beyond. Prof. Robert Park (Plant Breeding Institute)
- Cereal diseases - what could be done better in 2023?
- Wheat diseases. Steve Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI)
- Barley diseases. Lislé Snyman (DAF Qld)
- Discussion
- Cropping Outside the Box
- Companion cropping with wheat & chickpeas. Andrew Erbacher (DAF Qld)
- Experiences with summer sown chickpeas. Drew Penberthy (Outlook Ag)
- Advances in the biological control of flax leaf fleabane with a novel rust fungus. Ben Gooden (CSIRO)
- Silicon in cropping - should we care? Chris Guppy (UNE)
- Pick 'n' Mix
- Canola in northern farming systems - Varieties, time of sowing, flowering windows, phenology & system legacy impacts. Lindsay Bell (CSIRO) & Jeremy Whish (CSIRO)
- PhD presentation: Root architecture - Impacts on late season crop development to improve yield & yield stability under water stress. Jack Christopher for Kanwal Shazadi (UQ)
- Long coleoptile wheat - Can they deliver a longer sowing window and deeper seeding option? Cameron Silburn (DAF Qld)
- PhD presentation: Spatial soil constraint diagnosis using remote sensing & soil data. Fathiyya Ulfa (UQ)
- Mental health & finding system profit
- Looking after yourself to look after your clients in challenging times. Mary O'Brien (Are you bogged mate?)
- Finding profit in the face of increasing input costs, interest and land value. Simon Fritsch (Agripath)
Topics: Wednesday 1 March 2023
- Early risers
- In paddock decision-making on fungicide intervention
- Interpreting the situation & decision-making for intervention under high inoculum loads.
- Varietal planning for 2023, disease resistance ratings and mitigating risk
Steve Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI), Prof. Robert Park (Plant Breeding Institute), Lislé Snyman (DAF Qld), Tim Poole (Poole Ag Consulting) & Hugh Reardon-Smith (Nutrien Ag Solutions)
- In paddock decision-making on fungicide intervention
- Crop protection
- Fall armyworm impacts by crop, management strategy & resistance. Melina Miles (DAF Qld)
- Effects of summer crop choice on root lesion nematodes, charcoal rot, AMF & winter crop pathogen levels - farming systems results. Steve Simpfendorfer (NSW DPI) & Andrew Erbacher (DAF Qld)
- Mice management strategies in the lead up to baiting and optimising bait effectiveness with different levels of background food. Steve Henry (CSIRO)
- Weeds
- The role & fit of new pre-emergent herbicides. Greg Condon (Grassroots Agronomy)
- Imazapic & diuron availability & toxicity in different soils. Michael Widderick (DAF Qld)
- Regulatory needs for green-on-green optical spot sprayers; & herbicide tolerance trait stacking. Rohan Rainbow (Crop Protection Australia)
- Crop competition effects on weeds & crops - Key trends from six years of research in the northern region. Michael Widderick (DAF Qld)
- Pulses & sustainability
- Grain farm sustainability. Tim Neale (Data Farming)
- Can technology help to monetise Australian grain farms sustainability?
- Are there productivity rewards?
- Mungbeans - are they a contributor or user of soil N? Implications for nutrition in crop sequences. Doug Sands (DAF Qld)
- Swathing vs direct heading mungbeans - Pro's and cons. Jayne Gentry (DAF Qld)
- PhD presentation: Pigeon pea - Temperature, photoperiod & radiation impacts on flowering, biomass & yield in different pigeon pea varieties Mahendraraj Sabampillai (UQ)
- Grain farm sustainability. Tim Neale (Data Farming)
- General plenary
- Future Farm & the potential value in data-driven N decisions Brett Whelan (University of Sydney)
- Nitrogen - strategies for building the pool and reducing losses Chris Dowling (Back Paddock Co.)
- Organic vs different fertiliser N sources
- Spread urea or drill it in?
- How much N do legumes add?
- A systems approach to N.
- Panel session, including results from Colonsay long term nutrition site
- How big have the N losses been in recent years
- Managing NUE in and after wet to drowning years
Mike Bell (UQ), Chris Dowling (Back Paddock Co.), Bede O'Mara (Incitec Pivot Fertilisers) & Brett Whelan (University of Sydney)
Erica McKay
02 9482 4930
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