GRDC Grains Research Update – Millmerran
10 Aug 2021
Region: North
The latest grains research to improve profit will be at the Millmerran GRDC Grains Research Update. Discuss how to make practical use of the latest information relevant for the region.
Topics & Speakers
- Managing mice. Steve Henry (CSIRO)
- Management and baiting strategies
- Population ecology - how long can plagues last and why?
- Fall armyworm. Melina Miles (DAF Qld) & Phil Armytage (AgBiTech)
- What can we learn from international experience managing FAW
- Crop damage and economics
- Decision making on insecticides
- Using natural enemies
- Overwintering - will they survive on the Downs?
- Resistance update & overlap with H. armigera
- Specific crop management guidelines.
- Discussion session on mice and FAW management. Discussion leaders: Graham Boulton (Black Earth Cotton Co) & Angus Dalgliesh (Nutrien Ag Solutions)
- High competition sorghum - how narrow rows and high populations affect crop productivity, water and nutrient use legacies in the farming system. Lindsay Bell (CSIRO)
- Grain storage - what's new? Greg Daglish (DAF Qld) & Phillip Burrill (DAF Qld)
- Grain protectants
- Storing pulse crops
- Managing large flat-bottomed silos
- Resistance update.
- Weed recognition technologies, developments and opportunities for Australian grain production systems. Mike Walsh (University of Sydney)
- Optical sprayers - management optimisation and field experience with their use on robotic platforms. Jeremy Jones (Dalby Rural)
- Regulatory compliance: 2,4-D label, product registrations
- Nozzle type, capacity, fan angle, and number of nozzles firing (for systemic and contact herbicides)
- Efficacy, weed size, speed, coverage, wind, weed detection
- Herbicide mixing, compatibility, agitation.
- Pushing the tech boundary - Grower experience with optical sprayers on robotic platforms. Elton Petersen (Prime Star Cropping)
Update papers
- Reducing the impact of mice at critical times of the year
- Practical management of fall armyworm
- High competition sorghum – impacts on crop productivity, water and nutrient use
- Grain storage, what’s new: managing large flat-bottom silos; grain protectants; storing pulses; resistance update
- Weed recognition technologies: development and opportunity for Australian grain production
John Cameron or Erica McKay
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