GRDC Grains Research Update, online – Cereal disease management for 2021 - risks on the horizon, things to be wary of after 2020
27 Apr 2021
Region: North
Theme: Cereal disease management risks on the horizon – things to be wary of after 2020
- Pathogen changes in stripe rust - which varieties are implicated, where and how will this impact management? (Robert Park, University of Sydney PBI)
- Fungicide resistance - what issues are relevant to NSW and Qld? (Fran Lopez (TBC), Curtin University CCDM)
- Where does risk lie in 2021 - what could sneak up on us? (Lisle Snyman, DAF Qld, & Steven Simpfendorfer, NSW DPI)
Event resources
Update papers
- Wheat rust developments - new stripe rust pathotypes with implications for wheat (common and durum) and triticale; pathotypes of leaf rust and virulence for resistance gene Lr24
- NSW cereal diagnostics and enquiries – the 2020 winner is.....?
- Cereal pathology update - learnings from 2020, planning for 2021
- Cereal pathology update – learnings from 2020, planning for 2021
Erica McKay
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