GRDC Grains Research Update – Biloela
24 Nov 2022
Region: North
View the discussion at the latest farm-ready information to improve profit, with researchers, agronomists and leading growers at the Biloela GRDC Grains Research Update.
- Comparing the performance of different farming systems - latest data on gross margins, water and nitrogen use efficiency and crop type legacy impacts on how much water is available for the next crop. Darren Aisthorpe (DAF Qld)
- Adding organic matter in farming systems - impacts and optimisation of placement/timing for best results. David Lester (DAF Qld)
- Deep P and K - re-application timing and economics through the lens of current crop and fertiliser pricing. Doug Sands (DAF Qld)
- Strategies to manage feathertop Rhodes grass and other summer grasses - optimising tools in the tool kit including getting the most from pre-ems. Mark Congreve (ICAN)
- Latest data on long coleoptile wheat - can they deliver a longer sowing window and deeper seeding option in Central Queensland? Darren Aisthorpe (DAF Qld)
- Mungbeans - are they a contributor or user of soil N? Implications for nutrition in CQ crop sequences. Doug Sands (DAF Qld)
- Mungbean disease issues for 2022/23. Lisa Kelly & Murray Sharman (DAF Qld)
Erica McKay
02 9482 4930
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