GRDC Grains Research Update – Wagga Wagga
14 Feb 2023
- 15 Feb 2023
Region: North
Topics: Tuesday 14 February 2023
- General plenary
- Farming systems - profit over time and risk - The impact of three wet consecutive seasons. John Kirkegaard (CSIRO)
- Nitrogen - strategies for N banking and reducing losses
- How are different strategies performing?
- N cycling, sources, loss pathways
- Comparing N in cereals and canola
- Economics and risk
James Hunt (University of Melbourne) & Ash Wallace (Agriculture Victoria)
- Farming systems and pulses
- Legacy effects and the value of pulses in the farming system Mathew Dunn (NSW DPI)
- Pulse agronomy to maximise yield and farming system benefit Rohan Brill (Brill Ag)
- Pushing yield barriers in faba bean Ben Morris (FAR Australia)
- Weeds
- Regulatory needs for green-on-green optical spot sprayers and herbicide tolerance trait stacking - Opportunities and issues for industry. Rohan Rainbow (Crop Protection Australia)
- Weed mapping using drones for targeted weed spraying. Ben Single (Single Agriculture)
- Drones for weed detection and control. Tristan Steventon (Stevtech)Discussion
- Soils and pasture legumes
- Profit drivers when ameliorating sandy soils. Therese McBeath (CSIRO)
- Maximising phosphorus uptake by crops to optimise profit in central and southern NSW. Shihab Uddin (NSW DPI)
- Nitrogen and other legacies of different pastures grown in crop rotation.s Belinda Hackney (Select Carbon)
Topics: Wednesday 15 February 2023
- Early risers
- Soil acidity - Its stratification and how soils respond to amelioration with lime in different environments. Jason Condon (CSU), Helen Burns (NSW DPI)
- Disease
- Rust in 2023 & beyond Prof. Robert Park (Plant Breeding Institute)
- Cereal diseases - an autopsy of 2022 and management to do better in 2023 - Stripe rust, powdery, septoria and root diseases. Brad Baxter (NSW DPI)
- Fungicide resistance update Franz Lopez (Curtin University)
- Discussion - Implications for varietal selection & fungicide planning in 2023
- Canola
- Hyper yielding canola agronomy - Key levers & their interactions; varieties, N and lessons learnt. Rohan Brill (Brill Ag)
- Just how much damage does frost & heat stress do to yield & quality in canola? Rajneet Uppal (NSW DPI)
- Canola diseases - A regional update on sclerotinia & blackleg management for 2023. Kurt Lindbeck (NSW DPI)
- The genetics of crown canker and upper canopy infection in canola and response to fungicides. Steve Marcroft (Marcroft Pathology Services)
- Cereal phenology and physiology
- Understanding the physiology of wheat yield & interactions between temperature, nitrogen & water Victor Sadras (SARDI)
- An updated cereal phenology classification - Fitting new wheat and barley varieties. Felicity Harris (CSU)
- 100-day wheats for Australian farming systems & traits for yield in short season late sown wheat. Tim Green (CSU)
- Mental health & finding system profit
- Looking after yourself to look after your clients in challenging times Tammy Elwin (RAMHP)
- Finding profit in the face of increasing input costs, interest and land value Simon Fritsch (Agripath)
- General plenary
- Optimising control of annual ryegrass Chris Preston (University of Adelaide)
- Clethodim activity on resistant annual ryegrass in canola
- Updated herbicide resistance data for southern NSW
- Managing issues with pre-sowing knockdown of glyphosate resistant ryegrass
- Strategies for HRZ's
- Are we selecting for later germinating biotypes of ryegrass and what is the impact on the performance of pre-emergent herbicides?
- Hyper yielding cereal agronomy - Key levers and their interactions - varieties, N and lessons learnt. Nick Poole (FAR Australia)
- Optimising control of annual ryegrass Chris Preston (University of Adelaide)
Erica McKay
02 9482 4930
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