Spray drift is a whole of community issue and everyone has a responsibility to understand their obligations in managing it. To maximise return on investment, applied chemicals need to stay in the paddock and hit the intended target.
Read moreGRDC News
Workshops localise crop-spraying know-how
Technical innovations and region-specific constraints have combined to create a need for local workshops on...
Mixing and batching chemicals – a key...
A new GRDC guidebook for mixing and batching ag chemicals will be a useful technical...
Industry experts advise grain growers how to...
Take a walk in the paddock to avoid making assumptions about controlling emerging weeds.
How to get the most from your...
Widespread, recent rain means many growers are embarking on weed control programs, and experts have...
Correct sprayer set up and calibration to...
Hands-on training sessions will help achieve optimal performance of spraying equipment.
Events to deliver best practice spray information...
Hands-on training sessions will be delivered in the Western Australian grainbelt in coming weeks to...
The most expensive herbicide is the one that doesn’t work - GRDC
1681221600000Deborah Bishop catches up with spray application specialist, Bill Campbell at the GRDC Western update, to discuss the awareness and...
Pulse width modulation sprayers: what we have learnt, correct operation and looking ahead - GRDC
Pulse width modulation is a spraying system where the flow rate is controlled at each nozzle on a sprayer. This is unlike a standard spray system that controls the overall flow rate.
Mixing and Batching For Agricultural Chemical Application - Grower case studies - GRDC
A technical guide with case studies of Australian grain growers and spray contractors.