NGN: Guidance for spreading mouse bait to improve efficacy and maintain bait integrity
- Scraping the ZnP active from the surface of the grain due to excessive churning and bait movement
- The bait and/or lumps of ZnP active blocking the aperture/s
- Spreading bait at the label rate
- Achieving the required bait coverage
Mice are an ongoing issue in crops and there are grain grower communities across Australia indicating that they are under-resourced and have a lack of understanding on mouse management best-practice. The aim of this investment is to provide Australian grain growers resources and information to:
- optimise mouse control through,
- improved bait spreading operations, and
- reduced crop losses.
- Project start date:
- 24/02/2023
- Project end date:
- 30/09/2024
- Crop type:
- All Crops
- Organisation
- The Trustee for BM & VL White Family Trust
- Region:
- North, South, West
- Project status
Mouse tracking project in WA
A project to track mouse populations in the WA grainbelt is helping to understand mouse...
Bait spreading methods examined to combat mouse...
With Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) investment, the project – Guidance for spreading mouse...
Experts urge mouse vigilance heading into seeding
Western Australian grain growers are encouraged to be vigilant in monitoring mouse numbers in the...
The how-to of effective mouse baiting - techniques machinery and safety - GRDC
1733835600000In this episode, we’re joined by agricultural research engineer Ben White who is leading the project team, as well as...


Getting it right: Mouse bait safety and storage
1739970000000When using any agricultural chemical, personal safety is paramount and spreading zinc phosphide mouse bait is no different. In this video, Ben White and CSIRO’s...

Testing mouse bait spreaders: How the process worked
1739970000000One of the challenges in making sure mouse bait is spread uniformly on the ground is understanding how it's placed with different types of spreaders....