

GRDC Code: CES2004-003RTX
Prevention and preparedness for fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda)
The recent establishment of the fall armyworm (FAW; Spodoptera frugiperda) in Australia has created a need for an Australian perspective on potential research activities that will increase the ability of the grains industry to manage this pest. This project will review a broad range of international information resulting in an increased understanding of the potential impacts of FAW and inform the development of local management control strategies and tactics. Pest establishment, spread, impact, surveillance, diagnostics and management will be explored. This approach will increase the likelihood of fast, effective, and sustainable management of FAW. Research outputs will allow affected industries to rapidly respond to research, development and extension needs through well-targeted and coordinated future investment. A Continuity Plan will provide guidance on mitigating the risks of FAW to the grains industry.
Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • All Crops
CESAR Pty. Ltd
North, South, West
Project status
status icon Completed


Since arriving in Australia in 2020, growers and advisors are recommended to monitor the migratory movement of fall armyworm, check for early signs of infestation and to implement approved control measures.

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