

GRDC Code: CFL2401-002RTX
Development and extension to realise the system benefits and economic potential of mungbean in northern farming systems.
Grower Feedback has indicated that there are still limitations to achieving reliable mungbean production. While wheat is the main pillar crop, growers understand that a monoculture creates weed and disease issues and therefore requires rotation crops to be available. Mungbeans provide a profitable short season alternative summer legume across the Northern region.
GRDC farming systems trials have confirmed that systems with legumes, particularly mungbean, achieve similar potential profits to other systems in the poorer runs of seasons, but offer significant upside under more favourable conditions. With current mungbean varieties offering greater reliability and yield potential, and global demand maintaining high prices (5-year average $1200/t), further development and extension effort is required to expand the planted area of mungbean and increase mungbean yield to deliver improved profitability and systems benefits to Northern growers.
This investment will focus on providing growers the agronomic parameters for stabilising mungbean yield by environment and meeting the yield potential. The investment is looking to apply previous research to provide growers a series of regional 'On-Farm' trials to increase confidence for all production areas.
The investment will validate and extend the Genetic by Environment by Management understanding from recent GRDC projects and their consequent recommendations for mungbean management. This is a development and extension project using a participatory approach with growers and agronomists that will deliver 'peer to peer' on-farm validation of practices. Combining the results of previous projects and systems modelling will provide prospective mungbean growers the relevant yield gap benchmarks of potential and attainable yields against actual achieved performance.
The proposed methodology will provide on-farm trials with well supported agronomic data collection to support discussions on decision making. Growers will be engaged by having a local site to compare along with updated information. Using both traditional field days and social media, growers and agronomists can readily engage in updates on progress and discussions. The more detailed agronomic measurements allow a discussion between modelled forecast and actuals based on seasonal condition.
Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • Mungbeans, (Legume)
Censeo Field and Lab Pty Ltd
Project status
status icon Active


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