

GRDC Code: CSP2301-008RTX
ACRCP Phase 5: Optimising genetic control of wheat rusts through high value resistance genes
CSIRO with partners in the Australian Cereal Rust Control Program (ACRCP) have common interests in ensuring development of cultivars that are resistant to the three rust diseases for reducing crop losses, enhancing profitability and protecting the environment. To achieve these goals, Phase 5 of the ACRCP is geared towards identifying the best gene combinations of known and novel germplasm that provide high levels of rust disease resistance, using a minimum gene combination. This project will focus on identifying new high value sources of resistance and addressing barriers to use for current high value genes. Project outputs include novel germplasm, known rust resistance genes and gene combinations with demonstrable levels of field evaluated disease resistance. Accompanying this germplasm will be development of diagnostic markers to ensure rapid incorporation of these genes into current breeding programs and ultimately the delivery of these resistance traits to Australian growers. These diagnostic markers will be derived from the advances made in the near-complete international wheat pan genome sequences to safeguard accuracy in resistance gene deployment.
Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • Barley, (Cereal)
  • Wheat, (Cereal)
North, South, West
Project status
status icon Active