

GRDC Code: GHD2003-001SAX
Rapid Analysis of on-farm lime sources

Soil surveys since 2005 have shown that 70% of soils in South West Western Australia are below recommended pH at the surface (0-10cm) and continued monitoring has shown that the majority of the affected area is at best remaining static or becoming worse. Although rates of lime application appear to be increasing, they still fall far short of what is needed to ameliorate existing, and counter ongoing, soil acidification. Western Australia, where more than 70 per cent of surface soils are below appropriate pH levels, has one of the best programs in Australia for combating acidification, but the rates of lime application are still much lower than what is needed to avoid irreparable damage (Gazey et al, 2013).

After consultation with the Kwinana East RCSN group there is a need for an accurate in paddock analysis of potential on-farm lime sources. The rapid diagnosis of the carbonate content of on-farm lime sources in paddock is of potential economic value, as it could reduce the number of samples requiring lab testing. The ability to implement and apply the use of existing XRF technology, or similar technology found in the mining sector and validate its effectiveness within potential on-farm lime sources of the eastern wheatbelt, will allow for faster, better informed decisions about which product/ sample growers will invest in to improve pH on-farm.

This investment proposes a review of proven technology that could be applicable for identifying economically viable on-farm lime sources for use on-farm. Additionally, a cost benefit analysis will be undertaken to compare these methods of sampling and testing, on-farm lime sources.

Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • All Crops
Project status
status icon Completed



How to do a fizz test

How to do a fizz test


A fizz test is a simple screening tool that can be used as a first step to help identify on-farm lime sources. It involves adding...


On-farm fizz test -     GRDC

On-farm fizz test - GRDC

1666875600000 Factsheet GHD2003-001SAX

The Fizz Test is an adapted field method to assess soils on-farm for potential neutralising value (carbonate content).