

GRDC Code: HFS2306-002SAX
NGN - Spray workshops to optimise application and reduce drift in the Mid-North of SA
Attendees at the Hart NGN Forum in July 2022 identified an opportunity for spray workshops to support and encourage growers to adopt best practice spray management, as an industry good function for ensuring ongoing social acceptance, given the proximity to sensitive horticultural crops. Growers recognise that they need to be accountable and ensure best practice spray application and they are the ones to drive the improvement in the industry's approach to spray under the recommended weather conditions. Given the complexities of achieving best practice spray application in sometimes rapidly changing weather conditions and large programs this investment will take a behavioural science approach to understanding the key decision making factors in spray practices.

This investment will deliver:

1. A behavioural study of grower motivations, attitudes, knowledge, abilities and technology to understand the complexities of achieving best practice spray application and understand the things that can be done to improve.

2. Three workshops in the mid-north subregion to demonstrate best practice spray application, while also increasing awareness of the factors that lead to spray drift. Factors to be covered include sprayer setup, nozzle technology to improve quality, hitting the target, weather sensors, social acceptance and drift reduction. Content will be informed by results of the behavioural study.

2. Monitoring and evaluation report outlining project's achievements including impact, grower behaviour change and stakeholder engagement.

Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • All Crops
Hart Field Site Group Inc
Project status
status icon Active

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Behavioural insights and motivations into spraying

A GRDC investment focused on grower decision making for summer spraying has revealed several insights into the behaviours that motivate...

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