

GRDC Code: HPS2006-001OPX
More profitable crops on highly calcareous soils by improving early vigour and overcoming soil constraints

Highly calcareous soils provide a range of constraints to crop production which are limiting the effectiveness of improved agronomic practices; early crop vigour is poor and crop production continues to be limited to very low WUEs. Constraints include low P status, low water holding capacity, high burden of rhizoctonia, poor N cycling, severe fertiliser toxicity during germination, and at depth, extreme pH, sodicity and salinity.

This investment brings together a multidisciplinary team via the CRC for High Performing Soils which will manage the investment to investigate soil limitations in innovative ways and in systems contexts so that outcomes will be realistic and can be fully exploited on farm. The team is from PIRSA, NSWDPI, EPARF and McKillop Farm Management Group).

Outcomes will be modified agronomic practices and improved soil conditions which increase WUE of crops and farm profitability as well as improved knowledge of the impact of high carbonate on crop performance.

Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • All Crops
CRC for High Performance Soils
Project status
status icon Completed

