

GRDC Code: KAL2104-001SAX
NGN - Phosphorus Response Curves for Pulses in the Esperance and Albany Port Zones

Growers and advisors have told GRDC that their pulse nutrition management is currently based on cereal response curves rather than known pulse information. Research conducted in Chile in 2014, found that there was a correlation between wheat and peas of their phosphorous use efficiency (PUE), however peas had a much lower PUE than wheat. This was thought to be due to the species having different structures. (Sandana, P & Pinochet, D; 2014, Grain yield and phosphorus use efficiency of wheat and pea in a high yielding environment; Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (p973-986)) If this is correct for the Western Region, then it may be that growers are currently under-fertilising their pulse crops for P.

It is the objective of this investment to look at the correlation or lack thereof, between the current wheat P response curves and the P requirement of pulses, by conducting a series of field trials within the Esperance and Albany Port Zone. The trials will be conducted with P response treatments using two of the most adapted pulse varieties grown in the region and will include wheat as a control treatment. This information will allow growers to optimise their P fertiliser inputs to increase profitability and or reduce their input costs if they are currently over fertilising.

Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • All Pulses, (Legume)
Kalyx Australia Pty Ltd
Project status
status icon Completed