

GRDC Code: PSC2401-001RTX
NGN - Very early season annual ryegrass on lower Eyre Peninsula: interactions between physiology, herbicide resistance and efficacy
NGN - Very early season annual ryegrass on lower Eyre Peninsula: interactions between physiology, herbicide resistance and efficacy

This project aims to address the significant issue of annual ryegrass control for growers on the lower Eyre Peninsula. Specifically, it focuses on the challenge posed by late summer and early autumn germinating ryegrass, which has become increasingly prevalent and resistant to existing control tactics. This project seeks to enhance growers' knowledge of these ryegrass types and develop effective control tactics.

1. A detailed report summarising the characteristics of late summer-early autumn annual ryegrass and the biological factors influencing herbicide control. The report will also include information on herbicide resistance estimation in these ryegrass types and investigate physiological factors unique to these ryegrass types that may impact herbicide control.

2. Information will be provided to growers and advisers on the lower Eyre Peninsula to facilitate better control decisions for late summer-early autumn annual ryegrass. Local extension platforms will be employed to disseminate this information effectively and the project will document and measure the impact of grower engagement and subsequent activities to assess the effectiveness of the investment.
Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • Wheat, (Cereal)
  • Canola/Rapeseed, (Oilseed)
Plant Science Consulting P/L
Project status
status icon Active