

GRDC Code: RPI2309-002SAX
NGN - Scoping the correlation between stubble management for subsurface acidity and Fusarium crown rot in cereal crops of the Riverine Plains.
Title: NGN Scoping the correlation between stubble management for subsurface acidity and Fusarium crown rot in cereal crops of the Riverine Plains.

This project aims to assess the relationship between stubble management practices and Fusarium Crown Rot in cereal crops in the Riverine Plains region.

The project will involve conducting paddock surveys to determine the prevalence of Fusarium crown rot and its relationship to soil acidity in cereal crops across the Riverine Plains. Additionally, a trial site at Murchison will demonstrate the impact of different stubble management strategies on Fusarium crown rot pathogen levels over time and crop rotation. Communication and extension activities will be delivered to increase awareness and understanding of the implications of stubble management and soil acidity on Fusarium crown rot among cereal growers of the Riverine Plains.

1. Paddock surveys for Fusarium crown rot and soil acidity in cereal crops across the Riverine Plains will be completed.
2. A demonstration trial and focus paddocks will demonstrate the impact of stubble management strategies on Fusarium crown rot pathogen levels over time and crop rotation will be established.
3. Communication and extension targeted at cereal growers will increase local understanding of stubble management and soil acidity in relation to Fusarium crown rot.
4. Regional capacity and capabilities will be enhanced through training and development initiatives.

Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • Wheat, (Cereal)
  • Barley, (Cereal)
Riverine Plains Inc
Project status
status icon Active


Paddock Practices: Alert to manage Fusarium crown rot across Riverine Plains

Paddock Practices: Alert to manage Fusarium crown rot across Riverine Plains

1712149200000 Paddock Practices DPI2207-004RTX, RPI2309-002SAX

Paddocks being sown to a cereal this year with a history of tight cereal rotations and/or grass weeds may be at risk of Fusarium crown rot.