

GRDC Code: SCF2203-003SAX
NGN Increasing the effectiveness of claying in the Albany Port Zone
This investment aims to improve grower awareness on the varying qualities of clay found on-farm and demonstrate how clay application rates impact on success.
It will equip growers with a better understanding of;
  1. Soil properties of paddock zones intended for claying with a) soil analysis to determine existing clay content, pH of topsoil and subsoil b) existing subsoil compaction issues and likely need for treatment after claying. NOTE: non-wetting sandplain soils are also high risk for soil compaction and soil acidity which can limit response to claying if not addressed.
  2. Soil properties of potential clay pits/sources including clay content and quality, tools to assess on-farm clay sources and practical methods for measuring clay application rates.
It will address the risks associated with claying and subsequent clay incorporation methods. Practical workshops and simple farm-scale demonstrations with the involvement of researchers and/or local advisors will deliver this information to growers in a hands-on manner.
Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • All Crops
Stirlings to Coast Farmers
Project status
status icon Active


Improving claying efficiency on poor soil types

Trials taking place in Western Australia aim to provide growers with information and resources to increase the effectiveness of claying...

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Improving claying efficiency on poor soil types | WA

Improving claying efficiency on poor soil types | WA


Claying is a technique that’s proven successful on non-wetting soils, providing long-term amelioration of up to 15 years or more without having to repeat the...