

GRDC Code: SCU2503-001RSX
GRS 2025 - Optimisation of inclusion plate geometry in vertosol soil (Thusalini Asharp)
The findings of this research have the potential to greatly enhance soil productivity and crop yields in regions with vertosol soils. While the Discrete Element Method (DEM) has been used in many GRDC projects to model and evaluate soil-engaging tools in sandy, low- to medium-cohesion soils, its effectiveness in modelling highly dense and cohesive soils like Vertosols has yet to be tested. Developing a soil model for these hard soil conditions will contribute to existing GRDC projects, such as the "Proof-of-Concept on Oscillatory Tillage in Broadacre Agriculture", where a dense soil model is required to measure the tool's effectiveness. Additionally, the DEM model developed here will complement future GRDC projects focused on machinery development. DEM simulations will provide valuable insights into the mechanics of soil inclusion in Vertosol soils, offering a visual representation of topsoil incorporation and quantitative measurements. The forces acting on the ripper inclusion plate system during tillage will also be accurately simulated, allowing for system optimisation and the development of guidelines for growers regarding the economic benefits of the proposed design for Vertosol soils.
By optimising inclusion ripping technology, the research aims to improve soil structure, promote root growth, enhance the incorporation of soil amendments, and ultimately increase crop productivity while improving energy efficiency during tillage operations. The recommendations from this research will provide valuable guidance to growers and engineers, contributing to more sustainable and productive agriculture in Vertosol soil environments. Engineers will be able to use the outcomes to optimise key variables of the inclusion plates, such as plate length, upper-edge depth, under-plate clearance, gap width, and plate strength, ensuring suitability for vertosol soils. By combining field experiments, computational modelling, and active inclusion trials, this research seeks to unlock the full potential of inclusion plates in Vertosol soils, benefiting both growers and the environment
Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • All Crops
Southern Cross University
North, South, West
Project status
status icon Active