

GRDC Code: UNF2411-001RTX
NGN - Demonstrations of residual summer weed control for the Mid and Upper North, South Australia
NGN forums in the Mid and Upper North highlighted summer weed control costs as an important area of concern. Summer weed control can be costly, with some growers reporting three to four passes in order to conserve moisture and nutrients for the following season. This investment will assist growers in making informed summer weed management decisions around the utilisation of knockdown and residual herbicides in summer fallow situations and how they stack up against regional practice. The investment will also link into other investments to leverage their impact and ensure that growers are aware of best practice summer spray management and limit off-target damage to other crop types in the region, namely horticulture.
Upper North Farming Systems will address summer weed control through delivery of three herbicide demonstrations conducted in small plot trials to compare the efficacy and longevity of control of summer weeds. These demonstrations will build on the information delivered through the current investment with Hart Field Site, HFS2306-002SAX: NGN - Spray workshops to optimise application and reduce drift in the Mid-North of SA, and include discussions around application equipment, set-up and weather conditions (e.g. droplet size, inversions and new sprayer technology including 'green on green').
This investment will assist in more effective and efficient use of herbicide products and will allow growers to potentially reduce herbicide costs and the number of boomspray passes in a given season, while also increasing benefits of retained soil moisture and nitrogen for following crops.
Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • All Crops
Upper North Farming Systems
Project status
status icon Active