

GRDC Code: UOA1910-002RTX
Manipulation of stomata to increase yield potential in wheat (IWYP collaboration)

Maximising grain yield requires a careful balance between photosynthesis, water use efficiency (WUE) and maintaining optimal leaf temperature for photosynthesis. Stomata are a key determinant in these processes as they regulate the balance of CO2 uptake for photosynthesis, while minimising water loss and dehydration. Stomatal conductance is controlled both by anatomical features (such as density on the leaf) and functional response to environmental stimuli. Stomatal patterning and changes in aperture are independent but linked mechanisms whereby plants can optimise gas exchange to increase CO2 capture for photosynthesis, and to control water loss and leaf temperature through transpiration. This project targets different genes in stomatal development and functional pathways using transgenic/mutagenic approaches to improve photosynthesis and yield potential in wheat as part of a germplasm development initiative and to better characterise these pathways in cereals.

This project forms part of a larger effort under the International Wheat Yield Partnership (IWYP) that seeks to improve wheat yield potential.

Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • Wheat, (Cereal)
The University of Adelaide
North, South, West
Project status
status icon Completed

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International Wheat Yield Partnership

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GRDC is part of the International Wheat Yield Partnership (IWYP) which is a long-term global endeavour that utilises a collaborative approach to bring together funding from public and private research organisations from a large number of countries.

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