

GRDC Code: UOQ2203-006RTX
NGN Assessment of organic phosphorus sources
Growers have identified through the NGN that the high cost of inorganic phosphorus (P) fertiliser (MAP & DAP) and lower cost options of organic P fertiliser (chicken and cattle manure) as an opportunity to lower input costs of crop production. The opportunity exists to determine the crop response value of P from organic and inorganic fertiliser sources to better inform growers of the circumstance (price and level of crop response) under which each source of P is the lowest cost option.
This will also require economic assessment of
  1. the cost of inorganic and organic P fertiliser,
  2. the assessment of P value at different transport costs scenarios and
  3. the biological response of grain production to each P source.
Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • All Crops
The University of Queensland
Project status
status icon Active