

GRDC Code: UOS2301-003RTX
ACRCP Phase 5: Optimising genetic control of wheat rusts through high value resistance gene combinations
The 3 rust diseases of wheat can cause untold damage. Savings due to control measures have been estimated at about $1.5 billion per year, about $1 billion of which comes from breeding for rust resistance, which has come courtesy of integrated national rust pathogen monitoring and RD&E to deliver and manage genetic resistance to these diseases. Ongoing evolution in local rust pathogen populations and periodic incursions of exotic rust isolates nonetheless continue to impact wheat production, with annual losses estimated at $147 million, $127 million of which is due to stripe rust alone. This project will build on previous research to identify combinations of durable resistance genes that protect against yield losses due to stripe rust and leaf rust in particular. It will ensure broad effectiveness of these genes, especially against important exotic rust threats, by offshore rust testing.
Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • Barley, (Cereal)
  • Wheat, (Cereal)
University of Sydney
North, South, West
Project status
status icon Active