

GRDC Code: USQ2307-001SAX
Economic impact of Root Lesion Nematodes in mungbean
This project aims to identify the genetic tolerance of various mungbean varieties to root lesion nematodes (RLNs) in order to inform management decisions and provide economic impact data to the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and industry for future mungbean investments.

Root lesion nematodes (RLNs) are a significant issue in the grain growing areas of the Northern region, causing yield loss in crops such as wheat, chickpea, and mungbean. The impact of RLNs on yield is determined by the resistance/tolerance of the crop cultivar, the nematode population in the soil, and the environmental conditions. While the resistance status of wheat and chickpea cultivars is known, information regarding mungbean cultivars is lacking. This project aims to fill this knowledge gap by identifying the genetic tolerance of various mungbean varieties to RLNs. By understanding the tolerance levels, management decisions can be made to minimise the impact of RLNs on mungbean yield. Additionally, the project will provide economic impact data to assist GRDC and industry in making informed decisions regarding future mungbean investments.

1. Identification of mungbean varieties with genetic tolerance to RLNs.
2. Improved understanding of the impact of RLNs on mungbean yield.
3. Provision of economic impact data to GRDC and industry for decision making.
4. Minimise RLN damage in mungbean crops through enhanced management with tolerant varieties.
5. Contribution to future mungbean investments based on informed decision making.
Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • Mungbeans, (Legume)
University of Southern Queensland
Project status
status icon Active


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