

GRDC Code: UWA1506-003RTX
UWA00171 - Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative - Phase 5
The Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative (AHRI), was created in 1997 as the principle R&D effort to tackle the major herbicide resistance problems challenging Australian grain cropping. AHRI has now grown to be a major centre of international expertise. This investment continues AHRI for a fifth phase (2020-25) focussing on resistance evolution, resistance mechanisms and resistance management, and a national communications program. AHRI will continue to operate across the Western, Southern and Northern GRDC regions to deliver research that is highly relevant to growers, input suppliers and the wider cropping industry.
Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • Not Crop Specific
University of Western Australia
North, South, West
Project status
status icon Completed



Paddock Practices: Tips for tackling post-emergent weeds -     GRDC

Paddock Practices: Tips for tackling post-emergent weeds - GRDC

1526479200000 Paddock Practices UCS1507-001RTX, UCS1306-001RMX, UOA1506-006RTX, CRC00003, UWA1506-003RTX

Mixing and rotating herbicides as part of an integrated weed management (IWM) plan is key to achieving effective post-emergent weed control in crops and slowing further evolution of herbicide resistance in Western Australia.

External resources

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Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative (AHRI)

external resource

AHRI is a national research and communication team based at the University of Western Australia. AHRI receives major investment from the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and is a GRDC national centre.

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