

GRDC Code: UWA2007-001SAX
WeedSmart 2020-2025

WeedSmart is an industry-led, extension and communication initiative designed to improve weed management practices on Australian farms and ensure the long-term sustainability of herbicide use. Initially launched to tackle the problem of herbicide resistance, WeedSmart has grown into a central hub for information related to managing crop (cotton and grain) weeds in Australia.

As an industry voice for science-backed weed control solutions, WeedSmart helps growers and advisers implement effective strategies for long-term profitability. Supported financially by various stakeholders, with the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) as the main investor, WeedSmart aims to engage more effectively with grain growers and agronomists.

WeedSmart's key activities include:

  • Delivering a national stewardship campaign that encourages attitudes and actions to minimise crop weeds and sustain herbicide use through the implementation of WeedSmart's Big 6.
  • Developing and implementing a strategic communications plan with stakeholders.
  • Establishing a strong regional presence through dedicated extension personnel who will provide guidance to growers and advisers on best practices for weed management.

With WeedSmart, Australian grain growers have access to the latest information and strategies for managing weeds effectively, ensuring healthier crops and more sustainable farming practices.

Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • All Crops
University of Western Australia
North, South, West
Project status
status icon Active


Upcoming updates and events


10 years of WeedSmart and the ‘Big 6 - GRDC

WeedSmart agronomists, Jana Dixon and Greg Condon discuss the benefits of the WeedSmart ‘Big 6’ as they prepare for WeedSmart...

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WeedSmart, science backed weed control solutions for growers - GRDC

Weeds are one of the largest costs to Australian growers - affecting management, yields and input costs. That’s why GRDC...

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WeedSmart the 'Big 6' | Tackling spray efficacy

WeedSmart the 'Big 6' | Tackling spray efficacy


WeedSmart provides solutions to control crop weeds using the ‘Big 6’ principles utilising herbicide, mechanical and cultural tactics. 2023 marks ten years of the WeedSmart...