GRDC Investments
Welcome to our investments. We invest in Research, Development and Extension (RD&E) to create enduring profitability for Australian grain growers.
Here you will find active investments, and investments completed after 1 January 2020 from our RD&E portfolio. Some investments will display related communication and extension activities, and other associated outputs.
Please let us know what you think as we welcome any feedback.
Crop Type
Crop Type
- ☐ All Crops
- ☐ All Pulses
- ☐ Barley
- ☐ Canary Seed
- ☐ Canola/Rapeseed
- ☐ Cereal Rye
- ☐ Chickpeas
- ☐ Cow Peas
- ☐ Faba/Broad Beans
- ☐ Field Peas
- ☐ Lentils
- ☐ Linseed/Linola
- ☐ Lupins
- ☐ Maize
- ☐ Millet
- ☐ Mungbeans
- ☐ Navy/Kidney/French Beans
- ☐ Not Crop Specific
- ☐ Oats
- ☐ Peanuts
- ☐ Pigeon Peas
- ☐ Safflower Seed
- ☐ Sorghum
- ☐ Soybean
- ☐ Sunflower Seed
- ☑ Triticale
- ☐ Vetch
- ☐ Wheat
Results found: 1 - 5 of 5 search results
GRDC Code: DAQ2209-001RTX
National resistance monitoring and management of stored grain pests
Australian growers rely heavily on phosphine fumigation to disinfest stored grain and meet market expectations for high-quality grain with adherence to 'nil tolerance' for live insects. The key to the sustainable use of this cheapest and…- Project start date:
- 28/09/2022
- Project end date:
- 31/08/2025
- Crop type:
- Barley, (Cereal)
- Canary Seed, (Cereal)
- Cereal Rye, (Cereal)
- Maize, (Cereal)
- Millet, (Cereal)
- Oats, (Cereal)
- Sorghum, (Cereal)
- Triticale, (Cereal)
- Wheat, (Cereal)
- Chickpeas, (Legume)
- Cow Peas, (Legume)
- Faba/Broad Beans, (Legume)
- Field Peas, (Legume)
- Lentils, (Legume)
- Lupins, (Legume)
- Mungbeans, (Legume)
- Navy/Kidney/French Beans, (Legume)
- Peanuts, (Legume)
- Pigeon Peas, (Legume)
- Vetch, (Legume)
- Canola/Rapeseed, (Oilseed)
- Linseed/Linola, (Oilseed)
- Safflower Seed, (Oilseed)
- Soybean, (Oilseed)
- Sunflower Seed, (Oilseed)
- Region:
- North, South, West
GRDC Code: UOS2207-002RTX
Australian Cereal Rust Control Program - Continued monitoring of cereal rust pathogens in Australia 2022-2027
Rusts are a common fungal disease of plants, including many of Australia's cereal and horticultural crops. They are prevalent in most wheat growing areas around the world, threatening global wheat yields. Rusts are highly adaptable and evolve to …- Project start date:
- 01/07/2022
- Project end date:
- 30/06/2027
- Crop type:
- Cereal Rye, (Cereal)
- Triticale, (Cereal)
- Wheat, (Cereal)
- Barley, (Cereal)
- Oats, (Cereal)
- Region:
- North, South, West
GRDC Code: UOM2202-002RSX
GRS - (Narelle Nancarrow) Diversity, distribution and epidemiology of yellow dwarf viruses in Victoria
Yellow dwarf viruses (YDVs) are damaging pathogens that cause significant yield and quality losses in cereals worldwide, with studies showing that grain yield is reduced by 1% for every 1% YDV infection. YDVs are transmitted from plant to plant by…- Project start date:
- 01/02/2022
- Project end date:
- 01/05/2025
- Crop type:
- Wheat, (Cereal)
- Barley, (Cereal)
- Sorghum, (Cereal)
- Oats, (Cereal)
- Triticale, (Cereal)
- Cereal Rye, (Cereal)
- Maize, (Cereal)
- Millet, (Cereal)
- Region:
- South
GRDC Code: UMU2111-001RTX
Overcoming constraints to the profitability of cropping systems on ironstone gravel soils within the Southern cropping region of Australia. …
The idea for increased profitability on ironstone gravel soils originated from the Albany and Kwinana west port zone within the western region, however, is it applicable to a wider area of the southern cropping region. Ironstone is a sedimentary…- Project start date:
- 15/11/2021
- Project end date:
- 30/04/2025
- Crop type:
- Barley, (Cereal)
- Oats, (Cereal)
- Triticale, (Cereal)
- Wheat, (Cereal)
- Chickpeas, (Legume)
- Faba/Broad Beans, (Legume)
- Field Peas, (Legume)
- Lentils, (Legume)
- Lupins, (Legume)
- Vetch, (Legume)
- Canola/Rapeseed, (Oilseed)
- Region:
- South, West
GRDC Code: CSP2110-004RMX
Improving farming systems efficiency in southern NSW
Whole farm profitability can be improved by identifying the agronomic factors that drive profit and adopting management that optimises returns (favouring the value return and mitigating the risk). Growers are under mounting pressure to maintain…- Project start date:
- 11/10/2021
- Project end date:
- 31/12/2024
- Crop type:
- Barley, (Cereal)
- Wheat, (Cereal)
- Cereal Rye, (Cereal)
- Oats, (Cereal)
- Triticale, (Cereal)
- Chickpeas, (Legume)
- Faba/Broad Beans, (Legume)
- Lentils, (Legume)
- Lupins, (Legume)
- Field Peas, (Legume)
- Vetch, (Legume)
- Canola/Rapeseed, (Oilseed)
- Region:
- North