Fungicide Resistance Investment

Fungicide Resistance Investment

Host: | Date: 24 Apr 2019

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Fungicide Resistance in cereal crops such as barley could become as significant an issue for the Australian grains industry as Herbicide resistance in weeds.

Powdery Mildew alone costs many millions a year in crop yield losses according to the industry.

Researchers at the Centre for Crop Disease Management, a national research centre co-supported by WA’s Curtin University and the Grains Research & Development Corporation are leading the way in developing new technology and fungicide management strategies to address fungicide resistance in grain crops.


Dr Fran Lopez-Ruiz
Centre for Crop and Disease Management,
Curtin University,  Perth  Western Australia

m: 0468 766 584
ph: (08) 9266 3061

GRDC project code: CUR00023

For more information contact

GRDC Project Code: CUR00023,