Mouse status in southern cropping systems

Host: | Date: 09 May 2019

More about this podcast

In this podcast, CSIRO’s Steve Henry outlines the research he has been doing with mice in cropping systems. Part of that project, which GRDC has invested in, involves bait trials aimed at getting better uptake of Zinc Phosphide the chemical used in mouse baits.
The podcast was recorded during a break between sessions at the Bendigo Update and starts with an update on the situation in the paddocks at the Bendigo Update, February 2019.

If you apply Zinc phosphate on night 1, and didn't get the result you wanted, don't apply it again on night 2

Further information

Steve Henry, CSIRO
0428 633 844

GRDC Research Code: IAC00002

Mr Henry encourages growers and advisers to report and map mouse presence, absence and level of activity using MouseAlert ( so others can see the scale and extent of localised mouse activity. MouseAlert also provides access to fact sheets about mouse control and forecasts of the likelihood for future high levels of mouse activity in each grain-growing region.

The GRDC-funded mouse monitoring project is a collaboration between Landcare Research (New Zealand), CSIRO Agriculture and Food and the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre.

Observations can be directed to Mr Henry via Twitter, @MouseAlert.
Information about mouse control is available via the MouseAlert website,

Useful Resources

Update papers – Bendigo 2019

GRDC Project Code: IAC00002,