Making decisions about spot form net blotch in barley in WA's low rainfall zone

Making decisions about spot form net blotch in barley in WA's low rainfall zone

Host: | Date: 04 Sep 2024

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Instances of spot form net blotch in barley crops across the low rainfall zones of Western Australia have been increasing in recent years, mainly due to the increased area of barley on barley, and the use of more susceptible varieties in these areas.

A GRDC investment with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development is aiming to quantify the yield impact of spot form net blotch in these low rainfall environments, as well as provide growers critical info on the disease's response to fungicide applications and if one is even needed at all.

In this episode, we sat down with DPIRD's Geoff Thomas to discuss what they're looking into in terms of stubble and disease carry over, economic analysis, and the impact of variety resistance.

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Geoff Thomas

More information

Spot Form Net Blotch Factsheet 
Paddock Practices: Variety selection key to controlling SFNB in low-rainfall barley

GRDC Project Code: DAW2104-001RTX,