Durum quality and agronomy fact sheet

Published: 1 Mar 2014

Cover page of the Durum Quality and Agronomy Fact Sheet - Tips for achieving higher durum quality and yields

Tips for achieving higher durum quality and yields

To produce the highest quality durum, growers need to develop a management plan which considers agronomic and variety selection as well as understanding the requirements of pasta manufacturers and end users.

Key points

  • Durum yield potential can be influenced by sowing date and variety choice.
  • Aim for a seeding rate of 220 seeds/m2 to maximise yield and quality. ––
  • Correct nitrogen application timing is essential. Too much applied nitrogen can result in durum setting an unattainable yield potential.
  • ––Harvest durum at less than 12.5 percent moisture and aim for protein at 13 percent.
  • To reduce chaff and whiteheads make sure harvester settings are correct.

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GRDC Project Code: DGA00001, DAN00163,