Wheat Rust - Northern, Southern and Western Regions

Wheat Rust - Northern, Southern and Western Regions

Published: 24 Feb 2016

A GRDC magazine cover page

Stem Rust

Key strategies

  • Grow resistant varieties to prevent yield losses and reduce the build-up of stem rust inoculum.
  • Eliminate volunteer wheat plants over summer/autumn (the ‘green bridge’) to reduce the carryover of stem rust inoculum between seasons.
  • Monitor your crop to detect infection at the earliest stage possible.
  • Be particularly alert during spring rain and warm, humid weather. These conditions favour stem rust development.
  • Foliar fungicides can assist with stem rust management, but are of limited effectiveness by the time plant head infection occurs.

Stripe Rust

Key points

  • The most powerful tool available to growers to minimise the impact of the disease is resistant varieties.
  • Rust diseases grow and reproduce only on living plants. Eliminating volunteer plants (the ‘green bridge’) over summer/autumn reduces the carryover of rust inoculum between seasons.
  • Fungicides for controlling stripe rust should be regarded as a support and not a substitute for growing resistant varieties.
  • Monitor your crop to detect infection at the earliest stage possible.
  • Cool, moist and humid conditions favour the development of stripe rust.
  • Where very susceptible varieties of wheat are infected with stripe rust, resulting losses can be as high as 80%.

Leaf Rust

Key points

  • Growing resistant varieties is the key to minimising yield losses, reducing the build-up of leaf rust inoculum, and reducing the chance of new pathotypes (strains) developing.
  • Rust diseases require living plants to grow and reproduce. Therefore, eliminating volunteer/weed wheat plants (the ‘green bridge’) over summer/autumn can reduce the carry over of leaf rust, and other rust inoculum, between seasons.
  • Warm, moist autumn conditions favour the development of leaf rust.
  • Foliar fungicides protect against infection but do not cure existing infections.
  • Monitor your crop to detect infection at the earliest stage possible.

Use www.grdc.com.au/TT-WheatRust to keep up-to-date

Region North, South, West

Region: National