Grazing Cropped Land: A summary of the latest information on grazing winter crops from the Grain & Graze Program, 2016

Grazing Cropped Land: A summary of the latest information on grazing winter crops from the Grain & Graze Program, 2016

Published: 1 Mar 2017

This guide updates the latest information from the Grain & Graze 2 Program (2010 - 2013) on grazing winter crops. It builds on the Free Food for Thought workshop notes published in March 2008, providing close to a decade of grazing crop experiences. Importantly it captures favourable and challenging seasonal conditions.

Experimental results, farmer information and observations are combined to paint a picture around grazing crops in Southern Australia. The guide identifies common principles for grazing crops as well as providing local insights into different responses and management approaches required in different parts of the country.

The guide is not intended to report on all the information that exist on grazing winter crops but rather to support the extension events being conducted in the Grain & Graze 3 program (2014 to 2016).

GRDC Project Code SFS000028

Region National

Region: National

GRDC Project Code: SFS000028,