I Spy - Identification manual and education resource
I Spy - Identification manual and education resource
Published: 27 Mar 2018
Insects of Southern Australian Broadacre Farming Systems Identification Manual and Education Resource 2nd Edition
About I Spy
I SPY is a comprehensive resource manual for farmers and advisers covering basic taxonomy, important insect groups and identification keys, and descriptions of common species, as well as information on monitoring, integrated pest management (IPM) principles, and biosecurity.
I SPY highlights the importance of insect identification and includes key characteristics used for identification of important insect and other arthropod groups (collectively referred to as invertebrates).
I SPY was designed and produced through the National Invertebrate Pest Initiative to accompany insect identification training workshops in the southern and western cropping regions.
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Table of contents
- I SPY Section 1 - Introduction (PDF 1.9 MB) I SPY is a comprehensive resource manual for farmers and advisers covering basic taxonomy, important insect groups and identification keys, and descriptions of common species, as well as information on monitoring, integrated pest management (IPM) principles, and biosecurity.
- I SPY Section 2 - Basic insect taxonomy, external anatomy, lifecycles and development (PDF 1.4 MB)
- I SPY Section 3 - Important insect groups and identification keys (PDF 2.8 MB)
- I SPY Section 4 - Common pest, beneficial and exotic species (PDF 19.8 MB)
- I SPY Section 5 - Integrated pest management (IPM) principles and case studies (PDF 1.7 MB)
- I SPY Section 6 - Monitoring, record keeping, sampling techniques and economic thresholds (PDF 4.0 MB)
- I SPY Section 7 - Biosecurity (PDF 555.5 KB)
- I SPY Section 8 - Glossary (PDF 483.7 KB)
- I SPY index of changes - 2nd edition (PDF 12.5 MB)
Region: South; West
ISBN: 978-0-6482692-0-5 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-6482692-1-2 (Online)
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