Dispersive Soil Manual

Published: 17 Mar 2023

Managing Dispersive Soils: practicalities and economics - Northern region

Soil constraints such as dispersion have an annual yield penalty costing billions in lost income across the GRDC northern region in eastern Australia.

This manual presents a framework for grain growers (both family growers on small properties and large corporate farm managers) – and their agronomy/farm finance advisers – to make investment decisions to improve the profitability of dispersive soils on their properties.

There are five parts in the manual:

  • Part 1: Dispersive soils in the northern region
  • Part 2: Diagnosing the problem
  • Part 3: Creating an amelioration plan
  • Part 4: Economics of dispersive soil management
  • Part 5: Checking that the plan is working.

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Region: North

GRDC Project Code: SMD2201-001SAX,