Mouse management

mouse logoGRDC is committed to exploring options for better mouse management for Australian grain growers, and supports ongoing mouse-related research, development and extension (RD&E) initiatives. A comprehensive mouse RD&E program has been underway since GRDC was formed in the early 90s.

Since 2018, GRDC has invested over $8 million in mouse management RD&E.

Due to the increasing prevalence of mice in many key grain-growing regions, GRDC has partnered with CSIRO to enhance understanding of mouse management. The CSIRO-led research focuses on:

  • understanding mouse ecology, biology and population dynamics for better management
  • increasing mouse surveillance
  • investigating mouse feeding preferences.

GRDC also invests in best practice recommendations on the use of zinc phosphide baits, the only available option for use in grain crops registered by the APVMA.

24 Apr 2024, High mouse activity reported in several regions vigilance advised
24 Apr 2024, High mouse activity reported in several regions vigilance advised

All growers nationwide are encouraged to be vigilant and actively monitor mouse activity.

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15 April 2024, Mouse monitoring update #33
15 April 2024, Mouse monitoring update #33

View Mouse monitoring update issue 33 for April.

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9 November 2023, Mouse monitoring update #32
9 November 2023, Mouse monitoring update #32

View Mouse monitoring update issue 32 for November.

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16 August 2023, Mouse monitoring update #31
16 August 2023, Mouse monitoring update #31

View Mouse monitoring update issue 31 for August.

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30 Apr 2023, Mouse monitoring update #30
30 Apr 2023, Mouse monitoring update #30

View Mouse monitoring update issue 30 for April.

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6 Apr 2023, Growers urged to check paddocks among reports of widespread mouse infestations
6 Apr 2023, Growers urged to check paddocks among reports of widespread mouse infestations

Grain growers are being urged to check their paddocks for signs of mouse activity as reports of infestations emerge.

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Control now a year-round activity
Control now a year-round activity

Until recently, explosions in mouse populations in grain-growing areas were often followed by population crashes and consecutive years of little activity and damage. However, mice now appear to have become a more persistent problem with base populations carrying over from one year to the next.

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Know your mouse numbers
Know your mouse numbers

Growers should monitor paddocks to get an accurate idea of their mouse problem as numbers can vary significantly within a district. Monitor by walking a transect of 100 metres across the crop and counting active holes in a 1-metre-wide strip (gives an area assessed of 100 square metres).

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Mouse baiting should be conducted as soon as practical after seeding to maximise efficacy and minimise crop damage. There are a number of different approaches growers can take when it comes to spreading mouse bait, depending on the equipment they have.

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GRDC publications

Update papers