GRDC Grains Research Update Coonamble 2015
GRDC Grains Research Update Coonamble 2015

Coonamble GRDC Grains Research Update
Proceedings PDF 2.23MB
29th July 2015
Click on the title to read the relevant Update Paper.
Summer and winter forage crop options - likely fit in central West farming systems
Lindsay Bell, CSIRO
Managing the yield gap to achieve your yield potential.
Chris McCormack, AgriPath
Farming systems performance: A major new farming systems project on the constraints to performance and efficiency.
Lindsay Bell, CSIRO
Panel discussion: Closing the yield gap - what leading growers are doing to optimise water use efficiency. (no paper)
Herbicide resistance - what’s coming and what’s already here.
Maurie Street, GOA
Residual herbicides - plantback, weed control and fitting them into farming systems.
Richard Daniel, NGA
Panel session: managing problem weeds - implications for farming systems. (no paper)
Managing high level phosphine resistance in on-farm storage.
Philip Burrill, DAF Qld
The what, where and why of soil testing for crop nutrition in the Coonamble area.
Mike Bell, QAAFI