GRDC Grains Research Update Narrabri 2016
GRDC Grains Research Update Narrabri 2016

Narrabri Grains Research Update proceedings booklet (PDF 2.6mb)
Friday 22nd July 2016
Click on the title to read the relevant Update Paper.
- Crown-rot resistance breeding. Phil Davies (University of Sydney) & Meiqin Lu (AGT)
- Chickpea and faba bean disease update. Kevin Moore (NSW DPI)
- A new strain of wheat leaf rust. Potential impacts, which varieties and what to look for. Adult plant resistance - its role and use in rust management. Robert Park (University of Sydney PBI, Cobbitty)
- Killing storage pests without mercy – fumigation strategies that work and Super cool results - achieving great results with silo aeration. Pat Collins & Philip Burrill (DAF Qld)
- Russian Wheat Aphid – identification, detection, management and implications. Melina Miles (DAF Qld)
- Managing patches of glyphosate resistant weeds – what have we learnt from grower experience? Costs, advantages and practicalities of key IWM tactics. Tony Cook (NSW DPI)
- Tillage impacts of weed seed burial and subsequent management. Michael Widderick (DAF Qld)
- Harvest weed seed capture systems in the northern region. Experience with the Harrington Seed Destructor and the Chaff Deck system for weed tramlining. Michael Walsh (University of Sydney)
- Stopping spray drift - volatility, droplet drift, inversions and management. Field and wind tunnel studies, comparing spray deposition and drift potential of a range of nozzles and droplet size spectra all tied together with automated weather updates by a new App. Chris O'Donnell (University of Queensland)