GRDC Grains Research Update, online – Spray application and buffer zones
25 May 2021
Region: North
Webinar theme: Spray application and buffer zones - what’s planned, why and implications for industry. Permit trial of a new spray drift management tool in NSW to help manage spray drift and use of buffer zones that are appropriate to risk.
- A regulatory trial under permit in New South Wales of a new spray drift reduction tool/calculator – why has it been developed and what are the perceived benefits for growers? (Rohan Rainbow, Crop Protection Australia)
- Regulatory changes for buffer zones - what’s changing and why? (Hugh Dawick, APVMA)
- The science behind how buffer zones are set for different chemistries and practical implications of proposed label changes for industry and users (Dave Rumbold, Nufarm)
Update Papers
Presentation slides
- The science of buffer zones – How does the SDMT work?
- Spray apllication and buffer zones – NSW spray drift management tool pilot permit
Erica McKay
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