

GRDC Code: DAW2407-001SPX
Transforming water and nutrient use efficiency in WA Grain Production
This strategic partnership will integrate soil and nutrition RD&E across regional WA, providing efficiencies, agility and enhanced outcomes. It aims to provide environmental and economic performance data on a range of technologies and management strategies that increase water availability varying in cost and ease of implementation, suitable for multiple soil types, climatic zones, constraint type and depths and production systems.
The objective is to maintain investment that builds on foundational blue-sky research to develop and deliver to growers and industry, proven, economically viable and reliable soil and nutrient management strategies that lead to more grain per mm of rainfall.

It will also develop fertiliser strategies and associated agronomic management for both constrained and unconstrained multiple soil types for a range of soil water holding capacities, including using isotopic tracers to understand potassium (K) movement in WA soil types to better manage fertiliser applications.
The project will consolidate all related soil and plant nutrition data, develop fit for purpose engagement approaches and provide opportunities for growers and industry to assimilate knowledge and implement key learnings.
Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • All Crops
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Project status
status icon Active