

GRDC Code: MFM2106-001RTX
Managing soils post-amelioration in the Upper South East SA

This investment is designed help build growers' confidence and address gaps in knowledge relating to the agronomic management of recently ameliorated soils in the upper South East of South Australia.

The project will include a three-year series of trials, soil characterisations, pit demonstrations and associated extension activities to:

  • improve the agronomic management of ameliorated soils to the newly established yield potential;
  • reduce risks related to crop establishment and wind erosion in the amelioration transition phase; and
  • improve understanding of soil physical and chemical properties and characterisation of PAW, and identification nutrition and soil constraint limitations in ameliorated soil and how soil settles over the transition phase.

Six distinct phases of amelioration have been identified through the planning and implementation of soil amelioration as follows:

  1. Identification and ranking of constraints phase (by severity and depth). Also includes selection of constraint specific amelioration strategies;
  2. Pre-amelioration site preparation phase;
  3. Amelioration implementation phase (large logistical and time input);
  4. Transition phase 1 to 2-year post amelioration , often characterised by soft soil, a large flush of nutrition, acute short-term wind erosion risk, crop seeding difficulties and high crop responsiveness;
  5. New stabilised yield potential where the site has settled and immediate tillage effects on nutrient release have dissipated.
  6. Mature phase where yields subside and constraints redevelop. Consideration given to re-amelioration of residual or redeveloped constraints.

This investment is designed to address gaps in grower confidence and knowledge around Phases four and five (transition and new stabilised yield potential).

Project start date:
Project end date:
Crop type:
  • All Crops
MacKillop Farm Management Group
Project status
status icon Active

