Legume Leaders – Ed Naisbitt: getting the most from your lupin crop

Host: | Date: 26 Jun 2024

More about this podcast

In the Lake Grace area, grower Ed Naisbitt has been growing lupins on the family farm for 40 years. It was a crop initially established by his father, and one that has remained a constant in the rotation as the years have gone by.

Ed is a part of the cohort of 'Legume Leaders' that has been established by the Grower Group Alliance, with investment from GRDC. These leaders are sharing their insights on the various legume crops over a seven-part series throughout 2024.

In this episode, Ed tells us about why he has stuck with lupins for four decades and the many benefits they bring to his farming operation.

Download the transcript for this episode


Ed Naisbitt, Grower

More information

Grower Group Alliance – Closing the economic yield gap of grain legumes in WA

Airtable – Legume Leader bios and contact details

GRDC Project Code: GGA2110-002SAX,